Climate and Nature Action: Building low-carbon and climate-resilient and nature-positive economies, including through sustainable infrastructure
Gender Equality: Mainstreaming gender equality in investment activities to support women’s economic empowerment, gender equality, and improve business performance
Market Development: Developing markets to support quality job creation, capital markets, and access to finance as well as products and services that raise living standards and add value to the economy
2X Challenge: The 2X Challenge is an initiative that seeks to support businesses that provide women in emerging economies with access to leadership opportunities, quality employment, and products and services that enhance their economic participation and inclusion
Technical Assistance Facility: Targeted grant support to private sector clients that, directly or indirectly, improves their development outcomes, addresses gaps in knowledge or tools and seeks to support the business environments in the countries, regions, or sectors in which we operate
About CIFI
La Corporación Interamericana para el Financiamiento de Infraestructura, S.A. (CIFI) is one of the leading non-bank financial institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean that specializes in structuring and financing private sector, middle market, infrastructure projects. Headquartered in Panama, CIFI utilizes their proximity to their clients and decades of operational knowledge in their region to bridge the gaps between local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and international investors. FinDev Canada is investing in CIFI to facilitate green growth lending opportunities, contributing to renewable energy projects, job growth and market development. CIFI provided financing to Banverde, a company providing solar panel energy to small and medium-sized businesses in Mexico.
FinDev Canada’s financial commitment: $15M
About Banverde
Banverde is the largest financing company for distributed solar generation in Mexico. They offer financial solutions to commercial and industrial customers at no upfront cost and with a monthly payment schedule so that they can have solar panels on their own roof.
“Thanks to CIFI’s support, we have substantially increased solar generation in rooftops all over Mexico. We are present in several states in the country; all of this is thanks to CIFI’s support throughout the years.”
CIFI’s Impact
Our investment in CIFI supports the following SDGs:

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Mérida, Mexico
Mexico boasts a population of nearly 127 million1 people and a GDP of 1.41 trillion2. Mexico is the second largest economy in Latin America & the Caribbean and a leading exporter. Mérida has evolved into an economic hub with a diverse and growing economy anchored in various sectors including manufacturing, commerce, and tourism.

Alicia Vera
Alicia Vera is a Mexican-American photographer based between Mexico City and Miami, FL. Through her work, she explores history and culture within communities, seeking to dismantle stereotypes while further understanding her and others’ experiences in the process. Her clients include: The New York Times, National Geographic and The Wall Street Journal.
“It was really cool to see firsthand how Woodgenix and Steelex are moving towards more sustainable practices given their importance in their respective industries. They could serve as examples to other companies in the region thinking about moving in that direction.”