Climate and Nature Action: Building low-carbon and climate-resilient and nature-positive economies, including through sustainable infrastructure
Gender Equality: Mainstreaming gender equality in investment activities to support women’s economic empowerment, gender equality, and improve business performance
Market Development: Developing markets to support quality job creation, capital markets, and access to finance as well as products and services that raise living standards and add value to the economy
2X Challenge: The 2X Challenge is an initiative that seeks to support businesses that provide women in emerging economies with access to leadership opportunities, quality employment, and products and services that enhance their economic participation and inclusion
Technical Assistance Facility: Targeted grant support to private sector clients that, directly or indirectly, improves their development outcomes, addresses gaps in knowledge or tools and seeks to support the business environments in the countries, regions, or sectors in which we operate
About ETG
Export Trading Group (“ETG”), the parent company of AGRI Commodities & Finance FZE FZLLC (“ACF”), manages a vertically integrated agriculture supply chain including origination, procurement, processing, warehousing, transport, distribution and merchandising across more than 50 countries, centered around Sub-Saharan Africa. FinDev Canada is supporting critical food supply in Africa through its loan to ETG, improving agricultural output, creating and maintaining local jobs, and providing climate adaptation services for smallholder farmers in Africa.
FinDev Canada’s financial commitment: $80M
“I started in 2015 selecting cashews. I managed to build my house, pay for school, and support my family through my work.”
ETG’s Impact
Our investment in ETG supports the following SDGs:

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Nampula, Mozambique
Mozambique’s GDP is expected to have a growth of 6% between 2023-20251. The nation’s central economic activity is agriculture, representing almost 30% of the national GDP2 and around 80% of employment in the country3. With 41,000 hectares of agricultural land4 and increased public investment in the area, the sector is also a priority in national development policies. Nampula thrives as a commercial hub, supported by trade, agriculture, and mining.
1 Mozambique Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank
2 Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP) - Mozambique | Data (worldbank.org)
3 Fact Sheets | Mozambique | U.S. Agency for International Development (usaid.gov)
4 FAO Country Profiles: Mozambique | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Miora Rajaonary
Miora Rajaonary is a documentary photographer born and raised in Madagascar, currently based in Mauritius. Through her work, she strives to find new angles and stories on cultural and environmental issues in contemporary Africa. For the past three years, Miora has concentrated her efforts on documenting environmental stories focusing on food insecurity. Miora is a National Geographic Explorer. She was named the winner of the Juror’s Choice of the 2019 edition of THE FENCE, the First Prize of the Addis Foto Fest’s Portfolio Review in 2018, and one of the four winners of the inaugural Getty images and Array Grant in 2018.
“It was very interesting to witness the positive impact of ETG’s support on agrobusiness in Mozambique, especially to see women benefiting from decent and stable employment conditions.”