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Our Commitment to Accessibility

FinDev Canada is committed to creating accessible, inclusive, and equitable experiences for our clients, our employees, and members of the public. Our initial accessibility plan describes FinDev Canada’s actions over the next three years to prevent or remove barriers to accessibility for all, specifically people with disabilities, to support the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) goal of a barrier-free Canada by 2040.

Read our Accessibility Plan and Progress Reports

FinDev Canada published its first 3-Year Accessibility Plan in 2023. We are committed to share an Annual Progress Report at the end of each year.

Description of FinDev Canada Accessibility Feedback Processes

Start of description of Feedback Processes

We welcome your feedback to improve the accessibility of our services, programs, and products.

  • Use any communication method below to share feedback with FinDev Canada’s Accessibility team.
  • Include your name and contact information to receive an acknowledgement of receipt, or if you prefer, share feedback anonymously.

How FinDev Canada uses and safeguards your information

  • Accessibility feedback submitted through FinDev Canada communication channels is shared with FinDev Canada’s Accessibility Team.
  • Your feedback may be shared as required with other teams supporting accessibility at FinDev Canada to help respond to feedback and to support FinDev Canada’s accessibility activities.
  • When feedback includes contact information, we will respond using the same communication method in which feedback was shared.
  • Other than anonymous feedback, we will acknowledge receipt of all feedback within five (5) business days.
  • Any personal information shared with FinDev Canada is used and safeguarded in accordance with FinDev Canada’s Privacy Notice.
  • When sharing feedback, avoid sharing sensitive personal information, such as medical information or a social insurance number.
  • Accessibility feedback received by FinDev Canada will be summarized in yearly reports and retained by FinDev Canada in accordance with ACA reporting and record keeping requirements.

Ways to share feedback

Start of Accessibility Feedback Form

Accessibility Feedback Form


  • To share anonymous feedback, leave the name and email fields blank.
  • All form fields are optional except for Feedback Description which is mandatory. Text must be included in this field to submit your form.
  • When you submit this form, you will only receive an automated confirmation of receipt. To keep a record of your feedback, save your information before submitting.
  • Consult FinDev Canada’s Description of Feedback Processes for other ways to provide feedback, or to learn how your feedback and personal information are used and safeguarded.
Respondent Category (optional)
Feedback Category – Select all that apply (optional)
  • You can upload up to 3 files. The total file size must not exceed 10 MB.
  • Accepted file types include .pdf, .doc, .docx, .txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .xlsx, .pptx

Maximum 3 files.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, jpeg, jpg, png, pptx, xlsx, .